Enrollment Steps for Basic Education (Grade School)
Old Student
Confirm Enrollment via Student Portal OSES
Pay tuition fee via online payment transfers, here are our accredited banks (BPI, BDO, Robinsons Bank, Land Bank of the Philippines, Metro Bank, and Gcash).
Payment verification at http://tiny.cc/paymentverification
Viewing of COR via Student Portal
New Student
Register at http://bit.ly/FEU_CORE
Submit your previous report card and good moral certificate
Download and accomplish admissions form via: http://tiny.cc/FEUDILIMANAdmissionForms
Kindly submit accomplished admissions forms at admission@feudiliman.edu.ph
- FEUOCAT Result
- SF9 / Report Card (if applicable)
- Good Moral Certificate (if applicable)
- PSA Birth Certificate
- Transferee Recommendation Form (Grade 2-6 applicants) (Grade 8-10 applicants)
For payment, here are our accredited banks (BPI, BDO, Robinsons Bank, LandBank of the Philippines).
Email the proof of payment to admission@feudiliman.edu.ph
Your student number and student portal password will be sent to your email.
Kindly wait for the Admissions Office email regarding the following credentials:
- Student Number
- Access to Student Portal
- Access to Mastery-based Individualized Learning Enhancement System(MILES)