Community Extension Services

The Community Extension Service Unit aims to organize, and implement opportunities for the Associates and students through community outreach activities.

Following the three (3) functions of Higher Educational Institutions, community outreach is the culmination of the two (2) other functions namely instruction and research. The Community Extension Service Unit provides opportunities to Associates and students to demonstrate their commitment in sharing their expertise in their respective professional fields to communities and organizations.

Vision, Mission and Core Values


To be the center of highest quality services focused on the holistic development of the entire FEU Diliman Community.


To provide avenues to FEU Diliman students, associates and alumni to be pro-active in socio-political-environmental problems both local and national through the community service unit program and services.

Core Values

FEU Diliman CESU is committed to:

We continuously support local and national concerns in the form of social forums and promotions of personal responsibility in nation building.

We endeavor to provide services to meet the changing needs of our partners’ community and or NGO. We listen attentively to their concerns, and are non-judgmental and open to their opinions and points of view. Embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual.

We work towards Clientele Efficiency in Solving problem with Utmost skills.


  • To enhance the expertise of the partner communities and/or organizations on technological skills.
  • To promote concern and pro-active response to address ecological issues by providing opportunities to Associate to participate in environmental projects;
  • To increase the awareness of the Associates and student with the current social issues/problems by conducting Social Issue Awareness Seminars/Symposia;
  • To promote and/or enhance the spirit of volunteerism between and among Associates and students by conducting volunteer formation training programs;
  • To generate needed resources to facilitate the implementation of the college community involvement project by conducting resource generation activities.
  • To enhance college community program and services.

Programs and Services


Nature of the Program: This is a diTam practice in improving, protecting, preserving and restoring the natural environment. It is an activity involving the entire college community. The FEU Diliman, pursuant to EO. 26 on the National Greening Program issued by former President Benigno Aquino which was signed February 24, 2011, conducts an environmental awareness program which may be in the form of greening program, social forum or film viewing, among others.


  • Environmental Advocacy
  • Tree Planting
  • Clean and Green Projects
  • Hydroponics gardening
  • Waste Management


Nature of the Program: This is a diTam means of recognizing the spirit of volunteerism. This week-long activity unites the College in charity work and showcases the college community involvement accomplishments. This is geared to strengthen the volunteerism spirit of FEU Diliman community towards successful implementation of extension programs. This is also an opportunity to recognize the valuable contributions of our associates, students, alumni and partners in the area of extension.


  • Volunteer Formation ─ Training and Exposure Visits
  • Volunteerism Week ─ Project Eskwela, NGO Fair, Volunteerism Talk, Bloodletting Drive
  • diTamBayani Recognition ─ Best Departmental Outreach, Best RSO Outreach, Best Outreach Director


Nature of the Program: This is a diTam way of sharing the gift of self, time, talent and expertise through skills transfer to the partner community and/or social welfare agency. The in-house training and direct-in-location services rendered by the associates and students provide a venue to reach out to the underprivileged members of the society.

It involves the academic departments and Recognized Students Organization.

Each academic department and Recognized Student Organizations designed the activities according to the needs of the clientele and the department/Organizations specialization.


Academic departments

  • In-House Training
  • Personality Development
  • Career Management
  • Mentoring Sessions
  • Academic Writing Workshops
  • Literacy Programs
  • Skills Transfer/Training
  • Capacity Building
  • Action Research Programs
  • Values Formation
  • Livelihood and Income Generating Programs

Recognized Student Organization

Outreach activities in line with the organizations vision-mission-goal.


Nature of the Program: This is a campus-based/and or off-campus diTam activity that aims to provide an opportunity to associates, students, community partners, non-government organizations and or general public to share their thoughts and insights on current social issues and concerns. It is the duty of the Community Extension Service Unit to conduct social awareness program on the current and relevant social issues that affect the society. This involves the entire college community, partner communities and NGO’s.


  • Seminars and Forums on Current Social Issues
  • Emergency Care Workshops/First Aid Seminar
  • Disaster Preparedness and Management


Nature of the Program: This is a diTam action that demonstrates the Bayanihan spirit among the Filipinos in times of crisis. This provides a venue for the College to respond to the needs of the communities displaced by natural or man-made disasters through generation of resources from associates, students, alumni and other stakeholders. On the other hand, Community Extension Service Unit sees the need to provide avenues for Associates, Students and Alumni to help in mobilizing resources for our partner community not only in times of crisis or disaster and in fellowship during Holiday season, but also in sharing the College resources to our partners when needed.


  • Christmas Party/Gift-giving
  • Relief Goods Donation Drive/Relief Goods Operation
  • Medical/Dental/Optical Mission
  • Library Access for partner communities
  • Fund raising campaigns
  • Linkages and Partnerships


Nature of the Program: This is a diTam way of sharing expertise of the College in the field of engineering and technology. This program is in line to the vision of FEU Diliman to be one of the top five educational institutions in the Philippines. The College provides opportunities to heighten the technological knowhow of our partner communities, school institutions and NGO’s to serve as major tool for development in this modern age of technology. The role of technology in community development is to give power and a voice to people within the larger ecosystem. It enables citizens to create a better future. This will serve as an ideal support system that can leapfrog community development programs, for the betterment of the society at large.


  • Technology FORA
  • Technology Transfer
  • Technology Empowerment
  • Systems Development
  • Technical Assistance and Consultancy Services

Community Extension Services

Administration Building

Office Hour: Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Trunkline: (02) 8990-0430
